International Workshop On Anonymity 24/25 May 2007 Alma Graduate School 24 May 09.00/09.15 Opening remarks and presentation of the workshop Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro 09.15/10.00 Presentation of the three groups 10.00/11.11 Three-country anonymity study – 1st part Prof. Bert-Jaap Koops, Ms. Carole Lucock, Dr. Simone Van der Hof, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro 11.00/11.30 Coffee break 11.30/13.00 Three-country anonymity study – 2nd part Joint discussion 13.00/14.00 Lunch 14.00/15.00 The state-of-the-art on anonymity from an IT perspective Francesco Bonchi, PhD (ISTI-CNR) 15.00/16.00 Biometrifying the border Ms. Shoshana Magnet 16.00/17.00 Identity, genetics and ICTs Dr. Eva Asscher, Prof. Han Somsen 17.00/18.00 Few notes on the legal notion of anonymity Enrico Pelino, PhD a g e n d a 25 May 09.00/09.45 Anonymity in virtual communities Prof. Bert-Jaap Koops The nature and value of privacy Dr. Steve Davis and Dr. David Matheson 09.45/11.00 Privacy: complications of the common conception Dr. Anton Vedder 11.00/11.30 Coffee break 11.30/12.30 Jeremy Bentham on the need for identification by governments Dr. Paul de Hert 12.30/13.30 Lunch 13.30/14.30 Right to remain anonymous and criminal law: is it a right needing a protection or a threat for the law enforcement? Davide Tassinari, PhD 14.30/16.00 Joint discussion on the papers presented 16.00/16.15 Conclusions Prof. Ian Kerr, Prof. Bert-Jaap Koops, Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro 16.15/17.00 Closing remarks Prof. Francesco Pizzetti (President of the Italian Data Protection Authority) ARGOMENTI CORRELATI: Check list privacy (La verifica è mirata alla predisposizione dei documenti necessari all’aggiornamento obbligatorio già fissato per il prossimo 31 marzo 2007)
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